Service Calls

Need help with your equipment?  We service and repair our equipment, and equipment that we have installed.

  1. Give us a call!  (770)955-1984.  Mon - Fri 8:30-4:30 Eastern.
  2. Create a support portal account at
Advantages of Logging Your Ticket Online:

  1. Fast, Easy
  2. You have access to your service history
  3. When we close the ticket, you will know what was done, and who did it
  4. You set your priority (1-5)
  5. You can rate our response!
Note:  You will need to setup a username / password for  It CAN be the same for cvcoffee, but you will need to log in.  This is to keep clean from spam.  Tickets submitted immediatley dispatch to 4 different employees via Blackberry.

Online Service and Repair